Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Public Statement by William H Bramble II

Greetings to the people of Montserrat.

My name is William Bramble and I crave your indulgence for a few minutes while I outline some context to recent events involving International Pairs and the Government of Montserrat.

In the summer of 2008 I, along with Mr Owen Roach and Mr Ross Honey of International Pairs visited Montserrat to hold discussions with Government officials about the possibility of establishing a partnership between International Pairs and the Government of Montserrat

The objectives of this partnership would be to promote Montserrat as a destination that was open for business and to establish such sporting, cultural and educational links with other countries that would have the effect of promoting sustainable business opportunities for Montserratians.

The only reason that Montserrat was a focal point for this concept is that both Owen and myself are sons of Montserrat and we saw an opportunity through our association with Mr Honey and International Pairs to develop a series of projects that would create significant opportunities for Montserratians, and returns for the Government of Montserrat as well. Mr Honey and International Pairs had already established similar partnerships with great success with the Governments of Wales, Ireland and Scotland.

It is important to understand that Owen Roach is not just another little black boy from George Street. He is the Montserrat Secondary School alumnus who, having performed outstandingly for Montserrat in the Leeward Islands Cricket Tournament, had he been given proper handling could have been another Clive Lloyd. Like myself, the volcanic eruption forced him to take leave of absence and go to Britain where he studied and excelled at Law. Owen is now a practicing Barrister at the English Bar with the path to excellence on his mind and the welfare of Montserrat in his heart.

On a personal note, let me make it abundantly clear and pellucid that I brought to bear in the preparation of this project the sum total of my creative energies. This was propelled by a compelling drive to do justice to the name I bear. I witnessed the destruction of the wonderful property development programme of the nineteen sixties and seventies which resulted from the negotiations of my late grand father, William Henry Bramble, CBE. That project which enjoyed first class international participation gave Montserrat an economic base of considerable strength. Also destroyed was the impressive employment and tourism-generating Medical University, a testament to the foresight of my father, P. Austin Bramble.

In preparation for our visit to the island we held discussions with various business associates of Mr Honey, travel consultants, tourism consultants, golf tourism consultants, investors and event management consultants.

We were fully aware of the challenges that Montserrat’s special circumstances presented as destination to be developed. Small airport, active volcano, developing infrastructure etc etc.

However, as we examined what was possible through existing business relationships and contacts, we realised that several exciting opportunities were available.

At the centre of the business model was the golf data base owned by International Pairs. This extensive database would have enabled us, in partnership with Montserrat to target a demographic which would be inclined to visit Montserrat and would have the disposable income to do so. This far-reaching data base would have provided a unique global reach to the marketing efforts of Montserrat which would not have been otherwise affordable. This was an exceptional opportunity to generate a massive return on investment in a transparent and affordable way.

This crucial point was made by Mr Honey in our meeting with government officials which included Dr Lowell Lewis Chief Minister, Mrs Roslyn Cassell Sealy, Minister of Education, Mr John Skerritt Financial Secretary, Mr Eugene Skerritt Permanent Secretary Chief Ministers Office, Mr John Osborne and Mr Easton Farrell.

Like most successful business ideas this was a simple plan with three distinct but related strands, developed by International Pairs through their previous and ongoing partnerships with the governments of Wales, Ireland and Scotland;

1. Mr Honey would introduce senior Government officials to his network of business associates which would provide the government with a unique opportunity to sell Montserrat and its investment potential to a completely different market. Additionally, Ministers from Montserrat would hold meetings with senior officials in the Scottish government so that the experience of Scotland might be guide for what was available to Montserrat.

2. The main thrust of the programme in the first 18 months would be the development of a series of events. These new events would be promoted internationally and run on Montserrat. At that time the information we had indicated that including available villas and hotel rooms, there was accommodation on the island for around 270 visitors. The plan was simply to arrange events around times of low visitor activity, to get groups of between 50 and 100 people at a time to visit Montserrat for 4 – 6 days. These events would have been created to be televisual with the subsequent programs broadcast internationally. This aspect of the proposal would have had two major effects: (i) It would have created immediate economic activity on the island and (ii) subsequent broadcasts of these events would raise and build a positive image of Montserrat as a happening destination as opposed to simply being a volcano ravaged island.

3. The third strand related to attracting major development, building on the first two strands, and the eventual development of an 18 hole golf course in the north of the island. This was a strategic objective which would have been a major boost to Montserrat and would also have made an emphatic statement about its future and economic prospects.

Overlaying all of this was the possibility to establish a social contract that would benefit the young people of Montserrat. This would have included twinning schools in Montserrat with Schools in the UK, encouraging business partners and corporations to get involved in schemes that promoted cultural and sporting opportunities for the youth of Montserrat, so that the whole society would benefit in the short medium and long term from this association.

All of the assessments and modelling carried out in preparation for this proposal, indicated that with a population of around 5000, it would not have been difficult to have made positive and significant impact on the Montserrat economy. We estimated that by July 2009 events would have been up and running with local entrepreneurs and businesses already reaping financial and other rewards.

I have no desire or intention to become involved in the current political situation in Montserrat.

I can say that during my visit to Montserrat, at every level of our discussions I acted in good faith. In all of my conversations and communication with the then acting Chief Minister and Minister of Finance Mrs Roslyn Cassell Sealy, it was my impression that she acted with sincerity and honour, always focussing on the benefits of the project for the people and Government Montserrat.

There are matters before the courts at this point in time. International Pairs remains a client of mine and I cannot speculate, comment or discuss any aspects of those matters.

I can however categorically state that at all times, we behaved with the utmost professionalism and integrity, and notwithstanding rumour or innuendo, the current situation does not accrue to any action that Owen and I have taken.

We brought a company which is known in the United Kingdom, a company with an international name and reputation to protect; a company with the experience, expertise and resources to fulfill any commitments it would enter into. That is the kind of company International Pairs is and continues to be, and that is the company Owen and I brought to Montserrat because we believed and still do believe, that there was much for Montserrat to gain.

I can confirm that the Department for International Development has exhaustively and extensively investigated every invoice submitted by International Pairs in this matter, and have even visited some the contractors to International Pairs. Every thing has been above board and straight as an arrow.

I am yet to hear of any cogent argument to explain why what we did in any way was wrong or improper.

Let it not be forgotten that what is now being rebuffed is a non-resource squandering, income and revenue generating project prepared and proposed by International Pairs, Owen Roach and William Bramble. We offer no apology for our ability to gain the genuine friendship and confidence of a top class English entrepreneur who is willing to join with us in a bold scheme which would apply feasible ideas, the new technology, first class business acumen and available financial resources to the rebuilding of Montserrat.

We reject totally the idea that those who would be our colonial masters on Montserrat have the unfettered right to suppress and ruthlessly discard at will, any feasible ideas and initiatives which emanate from the black sons and daughters of Montserrat. International Pairs, Owen Roach and I have at all times acted with conviction and with integrity, and we simply tried, to initiate a project which we still believe would have generated significant benefits for Montserrat.

Finally, let me drive home the point that projects like ours which factor-in the experience, resources and technology of the developed world into the strategic attempt to create sustainable development on Montserrat deserve the active encouragement of the Administering Power, and in particular the official who represents Her Majesty's Government on our island

Thank you


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can Bramble be clear as to who he refers to as our 'colonial masters' please.

    I'll have to gather my thoughts and do a bit of research on this one before I make a comment. The Montserrat Reporter article is also a good read: http://www.themontserratreporter.com/index.pl/article_home?id=3261398

  3. My Question

    Having read the article I am still unclear on one or two points.

    1.There appears to have been a high level meeeting with International Pairs and 6 High ranking government officials. Why couldnt any one of the 6 advise the International Pairs that Governemt Business can no be conducted on just a mear handshake?

    2. As there were 6 persons involved initially, does this mean that further actions and decisions supposedly made by the Minister of Health and Education were done with out consulting them?

    2. Mr. Bramble indicated that he got the impression that the Minister acted above the board. Then why is she being lynched?

    3. Colonial Powers. This is a term I like to use. Because wether you like it or not. Politicians in Montserrat have no power, and all investment and development oppertunities are always stalled or impeeded by these "colonial powers"
    Is it true that the Governemt did nothing wrong by shaking the hand of International Pairs, and it is because that the "colonial powers" were not included in the loop, they got jealous and decided to show their clout? It is as if ..They are not invited to the party...not party can take place.

  4. The whole thing was screwed up by a meddling Governor, who does not understand his current role.

  5. Can somebody answer some questions - clearly. We arent interested in who is to blame at this stage. We want to know the Truth. What was the agreement? Where did DIFID mess up?

  6. It appears that if I am correct, that the Government of Montserrat entered into a contract with International Piers. The Government of Montserrat rescinded the contract (for one reason or another) and International Piers is suing the Government for breach of contract and loss of damage. Can someone please tell me the extent of damage that was loss, other than having to pay consultancy fee to Bramble and probably travel expenses?

    On that note i’m wondering where does DFID or the Governor as Bramble alluded to as our ‘colonial powers’ fit in to all of this? By the way I do not like the term ‘colonial powers.’ As far as I am concern, DFID was not privy to the contract. The main concern to me as highlighted already, is what were the terms of the contract? With all do respect that should have been raised in Bramble’s statement.

    Also, I’m out on a limb here but surely one can presume that the Montserrat Government knows its limitations or governmental powers when entering into an agreement. Was the Montserrat Government in a position to enter into such contract without DFID interjecting or even the Governor?

    I think MNI-Alive should seek clarification on this, as Bramble’s statement raises more questions than answers. I am baffled as to why they needed our ‘colonial powers’ input unless they were seeking part funding from DFID. I put to Bramble and Roach that if the proposal was as good as suggested why couldn’t International Piers sought match funding from another private investment company.

    Interestingly the timing is questionable; why would you release this statement less than two weeks into the election? It seems like a PR plot to support a particular party or candidate, but if i’m wrong, I stand corrected.

  7. Kyra supporting with the timing and am wondering if your last statement can be also proxxy "to not support...." in a smart way by Bramble.

  8. Yes Anonymous... thanks for the correction

  9. Jeevan: Editor In ChiefAugust 27, 2009 at 9:41 PM

    MNI Alive has requested clarification on all the expressed concerns from the author of this public statement and as such I am waiting for his reply.

  10. As Bramble cannot respond to the questions posed I decided to carry out my independant investigation. My source has confirmed the following;

    "DFID did have an input into the Montserrat Government's consideration of the approach from International Pairs... Montserrat Government [was advised] that, while the kind of investment promotion campaign proposed by International Pairs might be relevant later in the island's re-development,... it was [believed] that it was unlikely to bear fruit at present. DFID made it clear..[they did not want their] funding diverted into the contract which International Pairs were seeking to conclude with the Montserrat Government."

    As suspected the Montserrat government appeared to have sort funding from DFID to aid International Pairs in their project. Now logically DFID was not under any obligation to assist a private company to further their objectives. Surely Bramble should have known of Montserrat's disposition before engaging in a dialogue with his client. Also Montserrat government should have been aware of its limitations.

    However my source reassured me that "DFID is fully committed to supporting Montserrat's development and a return of the island to self-sufficiency... [The] private sector activity and investment is an essential part of this."

    Further investigation would be carried out to establish what exactly were the Terms of the Agreement. My inclination is that there wasn't one as inferred in the statement. I suspect that International Pairs and Bramble is playing 'call my bluff' with the Montserrat government. If I'm wrong I stand corrected..

  11. Could the author comment on how his past associations and alleged misdeeds may have impacted on the British view of the negotiations?
    I have been hearing things.
